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Dreamu - nrem

  • Dreamu - nrem
  • Dreamu - nrem
  • Dreamu - nrem
  • Dreamu - nrem
  • Dreamu - nrem
  • Dreamu - nrem

A temporal journey through daydreams and nostalgia...

Dreamu, the alias of Madrid-based experimental musician and producer Fran Sarró, presents nrem, his debut album, a 13-track instrumental LP. Inspired by the N-REM (non-rapid eye movement) N1 sleep phase - the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep where reality begins to blur into dreamlike images - nrem delves into this liminal space. Dreamu's landscape is colored by the melancholy of an idealized past that never existed.

The album, recorded primarily on reel-to-reel tape machines and cassettes, employs techniques such as reversed sounds, tape speed changes, and granular synthesis. Its palette is built from processed electric guitars, pianos, samplers, and field recordings.

nrem is the result of a decade-long journey of personal and sonic exploration, crafted within the intimate space of his home studio in Madrid. Surrounded by cables, effect pedals, and tape machines, Dreamu sketched harmonies and textures while navigating an emotional evolution marked by ups and downs, insecurities, and expectations. Composing became a refuge, where those feelings could crystallize into sounds that honestly reflected his vision.

Written and produced by Dreamu
Mastered by Taylor Deupree
Designed by Daniel Crossley